Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Killers (2024) NYAFF 2024 Fantasia 2024

THE KILLERS is a very good multipart film that suffers the fate of any portmanteau or anthology film in that the parts are uneven with the best ones making the others seem less thrilling.  This is especially true of this film where two parts are among the best films you’ll see all year.

METAMORPHOSIS concerns a man who runs in to trouble with the mob. He stumbles into a bar with a knife in his back and that’s where things get interesting. It’s a fantastic film that sets the bar impossibly high. It’s so good and the set up makes me want to see a feature sequel- particularly with the bartender.

CONTRACTORS is the story of a woman who pays for a hit and how the contract gets farmed out and the payment to the actual killer ends up getting less and less, It’s a wicked tale with a great deal of social commentary going on. It suffers following the previous story, but is still good.

EVERYONE IS WAITING FOR THE MAN is the second stunner. It maybe better than the first story. It’s the story of a bunch of hit men looking for a psycho killer and what happens when they run into a restaurant. It’s an ever twisting perfectly written tale that will make you lean in and anxious to see where it goes. It’s magnificent

THE KILLERS is the weakest of the bunch. Coming after two classics and a good  story the film ends up seeming like a form over content exercise. While it isn’t bad, it really either should have started the film or been released as a stand alone.

Reservations aside, I still love this film with the great parts making it worth the price of admission

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