Tuesday, July 23, 2024

THE GUEST (2023) NYAFF 2024 Asian Film Fest of Dallas 2024

A hot sheet hotel with the rooms bugged is  looked after by two young guys in hock to the mob. They need to pay off their debt or else they will harvest their organs and toss them into the ocean. If they can get a drive full of sick stuff from the guests they will be able to pay off their debt in one go.  On a rainy night a strange guy comes in carrying a woman on his back. The guys realize this guy maybe their savior...until they realize that the guy is even more dangerous then they could imagine.

A long slow set up (the whole first third) gives way to  a tense run to the end as the psycho begins to hunt his prey. It's a well made film that doesn't do anything new, it simply follows the well worn path you expect. While I enjoyed myself once it got going, I was disappointed that it was a bit too by the numbers.  I could live with it not being the next new thing, except that it' good enough that it could have and should have been more memorable than it is. Sadly I'm going to remember the film because I don't remember it.

If you like films that are a nameless psycho hunting people (ala the recent IN A VIOLENT NATURE) you will love this. If you want a bit more you can skip it. 

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