Saturday, July 27, 2024

Steppenwolf (2024) Fantasia 2024

This is one of the absolute best films I've seen in 2024. Sure the ending isn't perfect, but my god the affect it has on anyone who watches it will buckle your knees.

In a country in total chaos, a woman devastated by the kidnapping of her son, goes to the police to see if they will help her find him. She is catatonic much like Barbara in NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. Hooking up with a psycho investigator who has his own agenda, and who isn't afraid to physically abuse the woman, the pair make a trek across the barren landscape leaving bodies as they go.

This film will leave you sitting in stunned silence. Any laughs will catch in your throat. It is a trip into the dark side of humanity, and it will leave you broken.

It is brutal and ugly in ways that actually shock you. It's so good a destroying you mind that it never shows you any of the truly terrible things that happen. (The typical terrible stuff is shown) It doesn't have to show us because we are capable of filling in the blanks because we are capable of doing these bad things.

I was left mumbling "what the f----" repeatedly.

You think you know what a chaotic hellscape is-guess again.  This vision of humanity's darkness is troubling because it's just two steps from here and right now.

This is a road movie to hell.

While normally the minor misstep at the end, more unclear reasoning, might have lessened my feeling for the film, this film is simply so affecting that pretty much nothing could change my opinion, largely because this film kicked my butt so badly. I love it but I'm not sure I ever want to revisit (that's a rave.)

One of the best films of 2024- you absolutely must see this, just be ready to go into a dark sad place.

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