Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Sorry Not Sorry (2023) opens Friday

This is a film based on the  New York Times article that outed  Louis CK's sexual harassment of women that paused his career briefly. 

Looking at the women who were brave enough to speak up, the film is a damning look at the state of comedy  and society. It's a frequently funny film, it is a  film that deals with comedians after all, that is also bruising portrait that will leave you feeling sad about the state of comedy and society.  

I should state that I was never fan of CK's. I don't know why but he never clicked with me. When he fell from grace it barely made a dent in my existence. My friends were beside themselves. Watching the clips of CK after several years I still am left to wonder why he ever clicked.

Charting  Ck's career from rise to fall and rise again the film also charts the lives of three of the women who told the truth. We know what they said was true because CK said it was before he slunk away. The fact that he admitted it right at the start is the reason that many people are welcoming him back with open arms. While we should forgive, I'm not so sure we should completely forget since what he did wasn't  a willing sex act but a one where some one could help your career wants you to do them a favor or else. It kills me that because CK cultivated a shlumfy persona many people think he didn't mean it... yea he did. His shlumpiness is why he is still standing and other shits who were more authoritative (Harvey Weinstein or Matt Lauer) are still pariahs. 

Watching the film I was saddened listening to hear so many comedians defending CK if not out right but by saying they didn't know with big smirks on their faces.   I was troubled seeing other predators talking to (Charlie Rose) or about (Matt Lauer) CK when they themselves were doing the same thing. But I am most saddened by how the fans really never paused to question what he did. It was as if nothing had happened. (Don't get me started on Dave Chappelle)

There is much to unpack about the film and the situation it discusses. It is a film that requires careful consideration. It is a film very much for our time and the issues raised are important.

You must see this film.

( And if you look at various review sites for more info, consider that low audience scores seem to be due to CK's fans working to to get the algorithms to tank the film by posting low grades without seeing it) 

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