Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A pointer toward Reversi (2024) NYAFF 2024

A man who can jump back in time, uses his ability to keep his wife and son safe.

I'm not going to  review REVERSI. It's not that it's a bad film, rather it isn't my type of film. The film is basically a thriller remake or riff of the 2013 film ABOUT TIME which was made as a kind of romantic film from Richard Curtis, except that each time our hero jumps he shortens his life.

My issue with the basic story is that the constant jumping back in time raises all sorts of questions that distract me.  Additionally it results in a narrative that cheats it's audience by making it so it can undo what has been  done. Sometimes it works like in TIME CRIMES or the films of Junta Yamaguchi, but mostly the trope collapses at a certain point because it becomes a story in search of an ending. I had issues.

On the other hand, some people are not as picky as me so it you like constant time travel films give it a shot.

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