Monday, July 22, 2024

A pointer to Mash Ville (2024) Fantasia 2024

This is more a pointer than a review. I say this because the off kilter nature of the film didn’t quite connect with me, I suspect because I saw it after a long day watching films.

The film has three brothers selling bootleg hooch. When a batch of their alcohol kills someone they have to go out and get it back. They then run into a bunch of cultists who are going around killing people and then praying over their bodies.  It’s a crazy battle for survival.

Well done with it’s own sense of reality, this is a nifty little comedic thriller that will grab your attention.  The problem for me was that while I was watching the film I found I wasn’t in the mood for a film that wasn’t straight forward.  Its wasn’t that I wasn’t liking it but more along the lines of not finding the thing you want to eat.Sure you have good food in the house but you don’t want that.

That said- I know MASH VILLE is very good and worth a look.

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