Saturday, June 29, 2024

Spyral (2024) Dances with Films 2024

Possibly best film at Dances With  Films is a frightening look at substance abuse and mental issues.  It's the story of Randy White and his wife Michelle who fell madly in love, only to have her succumb to addiction.

This is one of the most raw looks at substance abuse I've ever seen. The film, made up of film shot by Randy and supplemented by Michelle's diaries.  It's a film that puts us into the storm and it never lets up until we are broken on the other side.

Makes the film so powerful is that we get to hear the words of everyone not only looking back but also in the moment. Its a move that prevents the film from ever seeming sugar coated. This is not a happy tale, but its one that we need to hear since it makes addiction and mental illness very real.

And I am going to leave this piece here. It's not that I have nothing to say, rather it is because in order to write up the film will require that I go to a head space I don't want to be in.

Highly recommended

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