Friday, June 14, 2024

Liz Whittemore on COME CLOSE (2024) Tribeca 2024

This piece was originally published at Liz's regular home REEL NEWS DAILY

In Tom Nesher‘s Tribeca 2024 film COME CLOSER, following the accidental death of her brother, Eden discovers his secret girlfriend. They begin a complicated relationship that pushes them both into challenging territory.

Darya Rosenn‘s innocence shines as Maya. She is entirely mesmerizing. Lia Elalouf instills deep loss and authenticity in Eden. Her fiery spirit feels dangerous in the best way. Elalouf projects the epitome of unresolved trauma.

We should have expected an already damaged character to use sex as a coping mechanism. Eden’s self-sabotaging behavior covers deep-seated trauma from both her parent’s ugly divorce and the loss of her brother. Her volatility keeps the audience engaged, but Elalouf and Rosen’s chemistry takes your breath away.

While the story is relatively predictable, it doesn’t lessen the impact of the performances and stunning lighting choices. How we deal with grief is such a personal journey. COME CLOSER examines the idea of its unique messiness.

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