Saturday, June 8, 2024

Jumpman (2024) Tribeca 2024

Portrait of  photographer Co Rentmeester who took the photo took the photo that became the Nike logo after the company stole it.

This is an excellent bio of a photographer who changed the  way we look at the world. His work is some of the most recognizable in history.  The film is also a shocking portrait of how a sneaker country screwed and artist and made it easier for other corporations to do so.

I loved this film. I think it's a great film. At the same time it's clear that both Rentmeester and the lawsuit against Nike needs to be expanded. This could have and should have been a feature film. There is so much more to say on both subjects. 

My desire to see this as a feature aside, this film is a must see when it plays again at Tribeca or wherever you can see it. 

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