Monday, June 24, 2024

How To Come Alive With Norman Mailer (2023) starts June 28 at Film Forum

This is a Showtime biography of writer and provocateur Norma Mailer. Weaving his copious interview with interviews with those who knew him the film brings Mailer thrillingly to life. He becomes something more than the sum of his parts and I got the feeling that how I felt coming out of the film was something closer to how I would have felt had I met him.

What I love about the film is that we get both a sense of the man, his thoughts and his writing. With some people it’s all the same but with Mailer there was always a bit od shading depending on where he was and whether he was on or not.

I enjoyed the hell out of the film, and to be fair I need to revisit it. Seeing the film in the festival crush I I realized that was missing things. That said I can’t wait to wade back in.

This is an excellent portrait of a man who shaped the time he lived in in.


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