Thursday, June 20, 2024

GEOFF McFETRIDGE: DRAWING A LIFE (2023) in Theaters 6/21 & VOD 7/2

Portrait of artist Geoff McFetridge whose cartoony graphic design style has been used in advertising, in products such as cellphones and it's hung in galleries.

Hagiographic portrait of an artist borders really close to an infomercial sales pitch. You may like McFetridge's style but I doubt you'll be as in love with the man and his art as the filmmakers.  This is an 80 minute mash note.  I don't think a couple at the alter could be this in love with each other as the filmmakers are in love with their subject.

Crazy love aside, this is a really good film. Its a wonderful portrait of the artist and his art. It's really cool stuff and I was absolutely delighted to see so much of it.

If you can get past the mushy love, this is recommended.

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