Monday, June 10, 2024

Brief thoughts on Tim Burton Docuseries (2024) Tribeca 2024

This is going to be a brief piece on the TIM BURTON DOCUSERIES which World Premiered at the Tribeca Film Fest earlier tonight. It is going to be brief because they only screened the first of four parts and I dislike writing on series unless I can see the whole thing.

The series started with the intention of being a 90 minute film, but there is too much stuff regarding Burton and his friends and collaborators were more than willing to talk so an hour and a half went to over four hours.

When the episode started I kind of groaned and winced thinking it was going to be a conventional retelling of Burton's life. However almost instantly the film changed and morphed into something spectacular and moving. 

This is not a conventional bio of Burton- yes it tells the story of his life, but the series is structured so that people like Danny Elfman, Winona Ryder, Johnny Depp, Michael Keaton and everyone else talk about Burton in relation to their lives. They don't tell what HE did but what THEY did together. How did working on the various projects change their lives. By allowing the everyone to talk about themselves and their connections to Burton the film becomes something bigger and greater than just a guy who makes movies and instead becomes a portrait of a force of nature who has changed the world.

More simply put it's an explanation of why following your dream and voice is a good thing, especially when you can find people who need to follow your example.

I loved this episode- and I am praying the rest of the series follows suit. If it does I'm guessing it will be hailed as one of the best films on film and creation ever.

See this film.

ADDENDUM- I loved it so much I went to the press screening two days after the premiere just because it was so good I had  to see it again

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