Friday, May 3, 2024

A Brief pointer toward Who is Stan Smith?(2022)

I'm not doing a full review of this film. It's not that it's a bad film, it's actually really good. Rather it's because I don't care about the shoes.

This is a portrait of Stan Smith, tennis legend, shoe icon and humanitarian.  It's told by his friends and admirers.

WHO IS STAN SMITH? is a very good film. It's a wonderful exploration of the man and his achievements. It's a film that is going to surprise a lot of people who don't know about Smith and the things he did.

As good as the film is I never full clicked with the film. Blame it entirely on the shoes. I really don't care about the shoes, so every time they were mentioned I tuned out. Because the film is really good, despite my not fully clicking with it, I'm saying go see it when it opens in NYC today or LA next week, or where ever it plays.

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