Saturday, March 9, 2024

For those who are pregnant this is a pointer toward Preconceived (2024) SXSW 2024

This is a look at the rise of clinics geared toward preventing women from having an abortion. These crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs)  are geared toward making sure the women carry the child to term. Often these centers come up at the top of internet searches. They are religiously based organizations with a very definite agenda. The film relates the story of two women who had interaction with centers. The film also contains commentary from people who are fighting to keep the right to choose in the hands of the women themselves. 

I'm not going to do a formal review of PRECONCEIVED. The reason has nothing to do with anything other than we are living in an echo chamber and it doesn't matter what I say about the film, if you are pro choice you are going to see the film and if you aren't you are not. As good and on point as the film is I don't think the film is going to change any minds. Sadly I've seen way too many films on abortion over the last few years and too many were only going to play to the converted.

In the case of PRECONCEIVED that's a fact that is filled with a deep sadness. Highlighting an important subject, and a very great evil (it is. women should not be tricked into becoming a mother) the film is most likely never going to reach the people it needs to. The people who will watch the film will only be those who are smart enough to know there are bad people trying to destroy the lives of mothers and children, despite the fact that they claim they are good Christians. (Yea they have the mothers carry the babies to term and then shit all over them once the baby is born.) 

That said, if you are pregnant and not certain what to do, please see PRECONCEIVED so that you will realize that there are many people out there looking to help you make a bad choice because they aren't who they say they are professionally or spiritually.

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