The story begins when a naturalist looking to study a rare groundhog. On the way to where they live he witnesses men setting fire to the forest. He photographs the culprit but when he takes the pictures to the local newspaper he finds that no one is interested. As he pushes the point he finds that as the country slides toward war society is breaking down and more interested in fake news.
Don't let the description of the early part of the film mislead you, there is a hell of a lot more going on. I went into the film expecting one thing only to find that it was a bigger story. This is a film that is juggling a lot of balls thematically making it one of the richest and most thoughtful films of the year. I fell into the film and I fell hard.
The film looks great, and it was the images that made me fall in love with it. Watching the opening sequence I found myself getting more and more hooked. By the time the final image of the arson sequence happened I was talking out loud to the screen. I am haunted by that image.
From there the film hunkers down and heads off on a quest to explore the place of a good man in broken world. Is there a place for them? And what happens in the real world when they try to step up. Its a trip that doesn't go as we expect and as a such opens our mind up to unexpected possibilities. I was given a lot to think about.
This is a hell of a film and a hell of a ride. You really should see this when it plays near you.
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