Sunday, May 21, 2023

Chicken for Linda (2023) Cannes 2023

When a mother punishes her daughter a bit excessively, she instantly regrets it and asks what she can do to make up for it. This results in a request for her to make chicken and peppers. The trouble is Mom can’t cook and there is a general strike on and its nigh impossible to get chicken.

Utterly charming animated film may possibly end up in the Oscar mix when it reaches American shores. This is a sweet slice of life that is full of great characters, who are really all the people we know. What makes this film go as gloriously as it does is the fact that the film isn’t predictable. Every turn feels like life, it all feels right from start to finish. Movies are not supposed to feel like that, especially animated ones.

A joyous masterpiece.

I was delighted from the first frame to the last- laughing and smiling my whole way through.

Destined to play everywhere at every festival for the next year CHICKEN FOR LINDA is a must see.

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