Monday, January 23, 2023

Our Males and Females (2023) Slamdance 2023

Kamel El Basha and Shafiqa Al Tal are luminous in this story of Muslim parents who have to wash the body of their trans daughter after she dies. The performances are so transcendent that you will be wondering why they will not get noticed by the Oscars at year end. This is as good as acting gets.

This is a slow burn time bomb. It is a crushing film about parental love and the intolerance of society. Much isn’t said and yet the entirety of human experience seems to be contained within it. We feel the pain of a couple completely lost in a situation they hoped never to have to deal with.

Forgive me some my words fail me. This is a film whose emotion simply overwhelms everything. Consider that even the characters say little.

An absolute must see.

Destined to be one of the best and most haunting films of 2022

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