Thursday, January 13, 2022

Delicious (2020)


Delicious is just that. It’s a warm and sweet confection that will make you smile.

The plot has the cook for an aristocrat in pre-revolution France getting fired when a dinner goes sideways. Out on his own he is unsure of what to do. Along the way he meets a woman and together they set up the first restaurant.

I am intentionally not saying a  great deal about the plot because this is a film where its better to just go in and take the ride.  The delight is in the characters and how the interact and I don’t want to give you any clues and spoil the fun. While the plotting isn’t perfect it is absolutely compelling thanks to characters you love and care about. You want to go along with them wherever they go.

This is a sumptuous film whose look is food for your soul. Yea the film screams art house, but at the same time it’s dead on perfect for a film about food. This is a film full of images that will make you hungry. Even though I was partaking of a lunch feast while I was watching the film I was still hungry and raided the fridge when the movie was done.

This movie is an absolute delight. It’s a glorious gem of a film that will make you feel good. It’s a giant big warm hug of a film and is highly recommended

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