Friday, April 17, 2015

Transfatty Lives (2015) Tribeca 2015

Patrick Sean O'Brien, aka the Transfatty of the title, was diagnosed with ALS, aka Lou Gerhig's disease, aka the same thing that Stephen Hawking has, in 2005 and was given 2 to 5 years to live. Ten years later he is unveiling his autobiographical film as a way to explain to his young son who he is and what he's going through.

Say what you will about Patrick O'Brien he is not one to go into that good night without having the ambulance blasting Black Sabbath. Where other people might get their affairs in order he kept on going, making films, writing on his blog, and oh yea, fathering a child he adores.

The film that we have been gifted with is O'Brien's ballsy warts and all FUCK YOU to the disease that is slowly killing him and a wet kiss with full on tongue to the life he refuses to leave. If you ever wanted to know what it's like to have a disease that would keep you trapped in your body fully aware of everything this is it.

This isn't so much a document of his life but of his mental space- this is how he feels and what he thinks. Its a moving, over powering kick to the nuts. You can not help but be moved by the story. This film will make it damn difficult for you ever again to say you have a tough life or you hate your situation. How can you bitch and complain when someone like Patrick O'Brien is still fighting the good fight  despite being trapped in his body.

I don't know what else to say other than its a must see film

1 comment:

  1. I do hope to see this, and will do what I can to include it in the upcoming itinerary.

    The first night at the festival (both films at Bow-Tie, which is my preferred location by far) was disappointing as neither the disturbing GORED nor the listless THE SURVIVALIST tickled my fancy. I hope things will improve tonight with AUTISM IN LOVE and BRIDGEND. (I switched IN MY FATHER'S HOUSE to another night next week). If my wife and I's stamina holds up we'll take in the 11:30 SCHERZO DIABOLICO, though the history of midnight horror at this festival hasn't proved to me my thing. My upcoming schedule will include tentatively:

    King Jack
    Virgin Mountain
    A Ballerina's Tale
    Wednesday 04:45
    Men go to Battle
    Necktie Youth
    Among the Believers
    Far From Men
    Being 14 or The Wolfpack (either; ot sure which one)
    Wonderous Boccaccio
    In My Father's House
    Drunk, Stoned.........
    Life of Brian
    The Meaning of Live
    Prescription Drugs

    and 4 films on the final Sunday of the winners and Cartel Land.

    That's it. Going at a more liesurely pace this year.

    Great and persuasive review here Steve!
