Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Los Angeles Film School is hosting the Evolution International Film Festival

The upcoming Evolution International Film Festival will take place at the Los Angeles Film School from July 26-27. In it’s second year, EIFF is requiring filmmakers to dive headfirst into the most relevant and wide-reaching topic of our time: Revolution and Freedom.

With impassioned citizens from Egypt, Syria, and Brazil lobbying for the human rights and economic liberties promised to us in the United States, EIFF could not come at a more significant moment. With 23 films in 10 different languages, this festival hopes to change the way we view the international landscape. While the media most certainly highlights the atrocities of the on-going struggles for freedom, EIFF will engage its audience with the heart-wrenching, yet inspirational stories that would otherwise go untold. Los Angeles Film School, the alma mater of festival director Sandra Seeling, provides a top-notch film education to a diverse selection of students that hail from all over the world. Dedicated to globalization, the school welcomes a festival that also takes place in Mallorca, Cairo, and Egypt.

Narrative Feature Competition
Coyote, directed by Joe Eddy, USA
Xingu, directed by Cao Hamburger, Brazil (click on the link to see my rave for this from last year's Tribeca)

Doc Feature Competition
Kumpania, directed by Katina Dunn, USA
Barzan, directed by Cassidy Dimon

USA Narrative Short Competition
Robin O. (14), directed by Cecilia Verheyden, Netherlands
Buzkashi Boys, directed by Sam French, Afghanistan
Double or Nothing, directed by Nathaniel Krause, USA
Smoke, Mirrors, directed by Ben Wise, USA
Good Night, directed by Muriel d'Ansembourg, UK
First Date, directed by Alex Weinress, Australia
Ismail, directed by Nora Alsharif, Jordan
That Wasn't me, directed by Esteban Crespo, Spain
Try Outs, directed by Susana Casares, Spain
Wild Flower, directed by Vlad Veier, USA/Slovakia

Doc Short Competition
Unravel, directed by Meghna Gupta, India
Not Anymore: A Story of a revolution, directed by Matthew VanDyke, USA
Dreams in their Eyes, directed by Alia Yunis, UAE
Carbon For Water, directed by Evan Abramson, USA
Motorbike Midwifes, directed by Masumi Higashi, UK
By Her Side, directed by Niels van Koevorden, Holland Student Competiton
The Boy Who'd never seen rain, directed by Kim Ramsay, Australia
Sahashi Cori, directed by Erin Galey, USA- Treibjagd, directed by Christiane Hitzemann, Germany

VitalVoices, directed by Aron Kisner, USA

For more information go to the website.

1 comment:

  1. Watching films is a nice use of free time. Everybody watch the movies according to his taste. As I like the informational and moral films.
