I viewed Miami Connection on a screener provided by the people at the New York Asian Film Festival. I wrote up a long review of the film and put it into this slot. I was subsequently asked by the films distributor Draft House Films not to do more than a capsule review of the film until the film is re-released to theaters, DVD and VOD in October (the film was made in 25 years ago). To that end I’ve rescheduled the full review for the fall and in it’s place I’m running the following brief capsule:
Biker ninja drug dealers take on a black belt 80’s hair band in a film that should only be seen in theater full of people willing to talk back to the screen. A party film of the highest order be sure to see it with friends since the WTF nature of the film may cause fits of laughter resulting in serious injury. This is a great midnight movie.
The film is playing next weekend at 1115PM which makes it as near to midnight as we can go, making this film a must see at the NYAFF.
I just hope the director,Grandmaster Y.K. Kim is a good sport.
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